Brain-like AI for flexible and efficient solutions

Project framework

Horizon Europe


12 international project partners


2024 – 2027

Project description

Parallel to the advances in the field of narrow artificial intelligence (AI), there is a growing need for general AI approaches that can be used in a wide range of application areas with different types of data. EXTRA-BRAIN develops brain-like AI systems that combine functional flexibility, hardware friendliness and energy efficiency.

The goal is a new generation of neural networks that addresses the central weaknesses of current methods: limited generalization across tasks, high dependence on expensive, annotated data and the immense resources and energy required for training and validation.

our services

BRIMATECH leads the work package for dissemination and exploitation.

Activities included:

  • Coordination of dissemination activities and support for digital channels
  • Preparation and ongoing adaptation of communication materials
  • Supporting contact and coordination with relevant initiatives and standardization activities
  • Continuous analysis and evaluation of information with regard to the market and innovation environment
  • Analysis of utilization and exploitation strategies in the stakeholder network
  • Identification of adoption scenarios and development of business models
  • Development of exploitation scenarios and IPR management
  • Evaluation of the project contribution in the context of societal, social and ethical issues